AlgorithmsData Structures 2 Grade Report

Updated Sunday August 23, 2020 1:57 PM GMT+3

Check your tests, bonus points, and homework. Review the course description and the FAQ for grading policy.

N · O · T · I · C · E

Code sharing guidelines · Only code fragments with line comments, never full function or file, never API docs or outline comments

Submission prerequisites · Correctly formatted original code, compile correctly, generate reference output

Grading guide · 18-20 (A), 16-17 (B), 14-15 (C), 12-13 (D), 11 (F)

Submission problems · Late -3 (drop to B), prerequisites -5 (drop to C), suspicion of code from previous semesters 11 (F)

Grading rubric
  1. Source code conventions and organization
  2. Functional mistakes (algorithmic errors or incorrect results)
  3. Encapsulation and oop mistakes (as covered in class)
  4. Design violations (based on requested designs and patterns)
  5. Documentation quality (focus outline and API comments)

Writing code to specifications is required. Generating output at any cost is not the goal and will not guarantee good marks.


Check the online worksheets (coming)