Analysis | Design of Algorithms Programming Oientation

Updated Saturday January 22, 2022 8:28 PM GMT+3

Install Tools

Run from Your Machine

  1. Create a 223 folder in your desktop (you can keep your code anywhere you want)
    c:\223 or d:\cs223 are good options; short folder paths are easier to type in a command window
  2. Download to your folder both jscaller.html and sieve.js
  3. right-click links, choose ‘Save Link As...’
  4. Drag-drop jscaller.html to browser window (after you change it to call sieve.js, of course)
  5. Locate your sources, if necessary press F12 and reload page from Debugger panel

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Edit Programs

  1. Run VS Code (VSC)
    launch quickly via +R, type: code Enter
  2. Use the File menu to open your code folder and to load programs
    Keyboard shortcuts are faster:
    • to open a file Ctrl+O (letter-O)
    • to open folder Ctrl+K  Ctrl+O

    There is a complete list under the Help menu

    in VSC explorer (top left-side tool menu), single-click file to quickly view or double-click to open for editing

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    The preview window has a slanted (italic font) title. Quickly go through files and check their contents in the same place without actually opening.

    Start typing to auto open the file (note window title change).

  3. Check themes, change editor font
    quickly access VSC commands from the command palette, press Ctrl+Shift+P and type ‘preferences: color theme’ to bring up the themes menu, try different ones (works best with a program open)
    change font family and size from Settings menu item (File>Preferences menu), or type ‘settings’ or ‘open settings’ in the command palette and choose ‘Preferences: Open User Settings’
    or press Ctrl+, to quickly open user preferences

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    The command palette is faster than hunting for commands in menus, it will remember recent commands to make finding frequent ones even faster

  4. Try different coding styles, auto indent, auto complete
    VSC will sense your code indentation style and apply it automatically, try a block statement (if or for) with both on-same and on-own line left-brace { placement and see what happens
    some people find autocomplete (IntelliSence in VSC terms) useful others find it annoying, check this video, try it and see

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    (Screenshot) Navigate code via source outlines. Browse program components including global variables and jump quickly there. To show/hide outline, right-click near EXPLORER heading label.

    Look for program editing shortcuts as you go. Try these 2 to for a start:

    • Alt+Up/Down to move a line up/down (no cut-paste mess)
    • Ctrl+/ to quickly comment/uncomment a line (no typing/deleting mess)

Debug Code

Don't run code blind, set breakpoints and watch vars to see what's going on

  1. Run practice program, F12 and switch to Debugger panel (may need to re-load to open the source)
    navigate to sieve.js in the source list (left pane in Debugger)
  2. Click a code line to insert a breakpoint, press F5 to start debugging
    set a breakpoint at line 15 then F5, program will run and stop at marked line
    disable or delete the breakpoint from the Breakpoints section of the Debugger tools pane, or simply click again on the code line to delete the breakpoint
  3. Check variables under Scopes (Debugger tools pane)
    double-click a var in the Debugger panel to select then right-click and choose menu item Add Watch expression to track separtely under Watch expressions section
    or simply type the var name in the ‘Watch expressions’ section
  4. Use the Console to debug
    Output debug info via console.log(), add line to practice program and rerun:

    console.log (JSON.stringify( ell, null, " " ));

    switch to Console, you should see a pretty print of the array
    or interactively check vars and evaluate expressions, switch to the Console while debugging or after a run and type a var name

    More click here

    (Screenshot 2) You can change a variable while debugging to force a condition or end a long for-loop. In the example, ell[0], which should normally store 2, was replaced by 12 from the console while stepping.

    Try it. Type ell to check after the program finishes (you should also see its value change in the Debugger tools once you go back to stepping)

    BTW, pres Esc to show/hide split console panel or use arrow keys to recall a previously entered command (save on retyping)

What next? Start on the programming exercises ...