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Write small leaf procedures (10-15 instructions) using solution template.

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SPIM Exercise 2.1 15 Minutes
Run the strcpy() example in SPIM. Use this solution template to start. Step through the code and watch registers.

SPIM Exercise 2.2 15 Minutes
Modify strcpy() to work with Unicode (2-byte) strings. Assume that the string is terminated with the half-word 0.

SPIM Exercise 2.3 30-40 Minutes
Write the procedure int strlen(char s[]) which accepts an ASCII string s[] and returns its length. Load your procedure in SPIM to test it. Use this solution template. (Hint: write the C function first.)

SPIM Exercise 2.4 30 Minutes
Write the procedure char *toUpper(char s[]) which accepts an ASCII string s[] and changes it to uppercase. For example, if s[]="lower", then the procedure should make the string "LOWER". The procedure should return the same address passed as input. Load your procedure in SPIM to test it. Use this solution template [view]. (Hint: use andi with suitable mask to change to uppercase.)