www.hashimi.ws CS611 Advanced Analysis of Algorithms Email Dr.M


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Welcome to CS-611, a graduate course in computer algorithms offered to M.S. students by the Department of Computer Science in King Abdulaziz University. This is a mobile-friendly page. Visit often and refresh to see the latest.

things will happen while they can . . .

Spring 2024 Semester Log

blog-style, most recent on top

Sunday, September 4, 2022

The class will meet at 10 AM, of course (as scheduled). Sorry for the mix-up.

new Posted @ 10:15 AM

Saturday, September 3, 2022

The course will meet next Monday @ 1 PM as scheduled via Zoom. Info (1st time only): Meeting ID: 899 5648 0169, Passcode: 231814. Register in the course group (check the Start page).Share this info with other students who registered late.

Posted @ 7:45 PM

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