Running graph0_starter5.js

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// CPCS 324 Algorithms & Data Structures 2
// Graph data structure starter - Reorganized Code
// 2020, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple graph object with linked-list edge implementation and minimal fields
// extra vertex and edge member fields and methods to be added later as needed

// note carefully close-to-final source file organization

var _v = [], _e = [];   // globals used by standard graph reader method

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a main-like global function for the caller page
// only function allowed to access global vars

function _main()
    // create a graph (default undirected), note no longer a global var
    var g = new Graph();

    // set graph properties - set a suitable label


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Vertex object constructor

function Vertex(v)
   this.label = v.label;          // vertex can be labelled
   this.visit = false;            // vertex can be marked visited or "seen"
   this.adjacent = new List();    // init an adjacency list
   // --------------------
   // student property fields next

   // --------------------
   // member methods use functions defined below


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Graph object constructor

function Graph()
   this.verts = [];               // vertex list (an array of Vertex objects)
   this.nv;                       // number of vertices;                       // number of edges
   this.digraph = false;          // true if digraph, false otherwise (default undirected)
   this.dfs_push = [];            // DFS order output
   this.bfs_out = [];             // BFS order output

   // --------------------
   // student property fields next

   this.label                // (fill) identification string to label graph

   // --------------------
   // member methods use functions defined below

   this.read_graph = better_input;  // default input reader method
   this.print_graph = list_verts;   // (replace) better printer function
   this.add_edge = add_edge;
   this.DFS = DFS;                  // perform a depth-first search
   this.dfs = dfs;                  // DFS a connected component
   this.BFS = BFS;                  // perform a breadth-first search
   this.bfs = bfs;                  // BFS a connected component

   // --------------------
   // student methods next; implementing functions in student code section at end


// -------------------------------------------------------
// Functions used by methods of Graph object. Similar to
// normal functions but use object member fields and
// methods, depending on which object is passed by the
// method call through the self variable: this.

// --------------------
function list_verts()
   for (var i=0; i < this.nv; i++)
      var v = this.verts[i];
      document.write( "VERTEX: ", i,
         " {", v.label, "} - VISIT: ", v.visit,
         " - ADJACENCY: ", v.adjacent.traverse(), "<br>" );  // correct encapsulation issue

// --------------------
function add_edge(u_i, v_i)


// --------------------
function better_input(v, e)


// --------------------
function DFS()


// --------------------
function dfs(v_i)


// --------------------
function BFS()


// --------------------
function bfs(v_i)


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- begin student code section ----------------------------------------

function better_output()    // new default graph output method
   // graph properties (see ref output)
   // list vertices


// --------------------
function adjacentByID()    // initally just a wrapper for .traverse
