Running starter1_closestp.js

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// CPCS 223 Analysis & Design of Algorithms
// Brute force closest pair - coordinate arrays
// 2020, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// straight implementation of textbook algorithm,
// a generic code that is almost language independent
// typical of 1970-80s

// points specified via common index in x and y-coordinate arrays
// P_i = (x[i],y[i]), i between 1,n (ignore index 0)

var x = [,1,3,2,4,5,6];   // use debugger to check x
var y = [,-1,1,0,2,3,4];  // P3 = (x[3],y[3]) = (2,0) 

document.write( "<p>", closestPair(), "</p>" );

// --------------------
function closestPair()

   // x[], y[] are global for this function
   // you can just use them
   var n = x.length-1;       // since we ignore x[0], y[0]
                             // you might want to check that x[], y[] are the same length
   var cp = [-1,-1];         // array to track pair with minimum distance so far
                             // for example: cp[0] = i, cp[1] = j
                             // initialized with invalid indices for testing

   // your code next: just translate the algorithm directly

   return cp;              // return array of pair indices