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// CPCS 223 Analysis & Design of Algorithms
// Javascript demo 2 - functions and local variables
// 2020, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi
var xdata = [12,35,82,97,49,10,27,8];
// show input list, note the string "<br>" to output newline
document.write("Unsorted list: ", xdata, "<br>");
bubble (); // function call
// show sorted list
document.write("Sorted output list: ", xdata);
// --- function defs ---------------------------------
function bubble() // simply use the keyword function
var i, j; // local, not available outside function
var n = xdata.length;
for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++)
for (j = n-1; j > i; j--)
if ( xdata[j] < xdata[j-1] )
swap (j, j-1);
// ---------------------------------------------------
function swap(a, b) // args a, b also local
var temp = xdata[a];
xdata[a] = xdata[b];
xdata[b] = temp;