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// CPCS-324 Algorithms and Data Structures 2
// Language demo - Template/Literal Strings
// 2020, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi
// to output formatted or labelled values, we normally
// concatenate labels/markup strings with variable names
// or output a carefully arranged comma-separated list of
// strings and vars (see lines 33-34)
var a = 10;
document.write( "<p>(line 13) Value of a: ", a, "<p>" );
// or use ` (back tick) to specify an output string instead of " or '
// enclose var name in ${ ... } inside the string to print its value
document.write( `<p>(line 18) Value of a: ${a}</p>` ); // ${a} prints 10
// works for expressions
var verts = [
{label: "a", visit: true, adjacent: null},
{label: "b", visit: false, adjacent: null}
document.write( `<p>Length of array: ${verts.length}</p>` );
// no need for crazy output line construction,
// vars should stand out with good syntax highlighting
var i = 1, v = verts[i];
document.write( `VERTEX: ${i} {${v.label}} - VISIT: ${v.visit} - ADJACENCY: ${v.adjacent} <br>` );
// instead of this
document.write( "VERTEX: ", i, " {", v.label, "} - VISIT: ", v.visit,
" - ADJACENCY: ", v.adjacent, "<br>" );
// template strings are available in Java, PHP, Python and most modern languages