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// CPCS 324 Algorithms & Data Structures 2
// Linked list data structure
// 2019, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi
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// Linked list node object constructor
function LNode(item)
this.item = item; // can store in list any object as data
this.next = null;
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// Linked list object constructor
function List()
this.first = null; // list initially empty
// --------------------
// more list processing methods could be added here
this.insert = llsInsert; // insert node at end of list
this.traverse = llsTraverse; // return list elements in an array
this.isEmpty = llsEmpty; // true if list is empty
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// student methods next;actual functions in student code section at end
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// functions used by methods of List() object
function llsEmpty()
return (this.first == null);
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function llsInsert(item)
// if list empty create node and link, otherwise walk down list and insert at end
if (this.isEmpty())
this.first = new LNode(item);
var l = this.first; // walker variable
while (l.next != null)
l = l.next;
l.next = new LNode(item);
// --------------------
function llsTraverse()
var out = [];
for (var i=0, l=this.first; l != null; l = l.next )
out [i++] = l.item;
return out;
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// --- begin student code section ----------------------------------------