Running heap_starter.js

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// CPCS 324 Algorithms & Data Structures 2
// Outline - heap data structure starter
// 2018, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Basic design decisions and implementation planning (objects & interfaces)
// ... complete before actual coding, test independently before reusing

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Heap object constructor

function Heap()
	// h[0] not used, heap initially empty
	this.h = [null];                   // heap of integer keys
	this.h_item = [null];              // corresponding heap of data-items (any object)
	this.size = 0;                     // 1 smaller than array (also index of last child)

	// --------------------
	// PQ-required only; more could be added later when needed
	// the 2 basic shape maintaining operations heapify and reheapify simplify
	// processing functions

	this.isEmpty =                     // return true if heap empty
	this.deleteRoot =                  // return data-item in root
	this.insert =                      // insert data-item with key
	this.heapify =                     // make subtree heap; top-down heapify ("sink") used by .deleteRoot()
	this.reheapify =                   // bottom-up reheapify ("swim") used by .insert() = heapShow;              // utility: return pretty formatted heap as string
	                                   // ... etc 

	// --------------------
	// student methods next; ; actual functions in student code section at end


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions used by methods of Heap() object

// note return interface for heapDeleteRoot() below
// use prefix 'heap' for implementing functions (see examples)
// if both key and item are needed, pass key before item

function heapShow()
	var n = this.size;
	var m = Math.floor(n/2);       // last parent node
	var k = this.h.slice(1,n+1), a = this.h_item.slice(1,n+1);
	var out="<h2>Heap (size="+ n+ "):</h2><p>Keys: " + k + "<br>Data: "+ a + "</p>";
	for (var i=1; i<=m; i++)
		out += "<p>"+ i+ ": <b>"+ this.h[i]+ "("+ this.h_item[i]+ ")</b><ul>";
		if ( 2*i <= n )
			out += "<li>"+ this.h[2*i]+ "</li>";
		if ( 2*i+1 <= n )
			out+= "<li>"+ this.h[2*i+1]+ "</li>";
		out+= "</ul></p>";
	return out;

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// --- begin student code section ----------------------------------------
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function heapDeleteRoot()
	// save root key and item pair
	var root = [ this.h[1], this.h_item[1] ];
	// ... complete

	return root;