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// CPCS 324 Algorithms & Data Structures 2
// Graph data structure starter - Final Project
// 2019, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi
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// simple graph object with linked-list edge implementation and minimal fields
// extra vertex and edge member fields and methods to be added later as needed
var _v = [], _e = []; // note naming conventions in upload guide
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function _main()
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// similar to starter 8
function Vertex(v)
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// similar to starter 8
function Edge(vert_i,weight)
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// similar to starter 8 (NO network methods)
function Graph()
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// functions used by methods of Graph and ancillary objects
function make_graphImpl(n, m, w) // feel free to change, if needed
// parameter validations and checks: number of edges etc.
var mmax = n*(n-1);
if ( ! this.digraph ) mmax /= 2;
if (m>mmax)
document.write("<p>ERROR: invalid number of edges for graph type</p>");
// create n vertex in v[] using id 0 to n-1 as label
var v=[];
for (var i=0; i<n; i++)
v[i] = {label:i.toString()};
// if graph complete no need to generate random edges, just create mmax edges systematically
// otherwise repreat create m distinct edges (graph loops not allowed)
var e=[], wmin=1, wmax = 50000, wsum=0;
var h = []; // quick-dirty n x n matrix to check previously generated edges,
// m-entry hash table would be more efficient
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
h[i] = []; h[i][i]=0; // no graph loops; 0 = blocked pair of vertices
for (i=0; i<m; i++)
// generate vertices u, v randomly
var u_i = random(0,n-1), v_i = random(0,n-1);
} while ( h[u_i][v_i] != undefined );
h[u_i][v_i] = 0; h[v_i][u_i] = 0; // update matrix: block u,v; block v,u also if undirected
// if (u,v) is distinct insert in e[] (generate random weight if w true)
// otherwise repeat generate another u,v pair
e[i] = {u:u_i, v:v_i};
if (w)
e[i].w = random(wmin,wmax);
wsum += e[i].w;
// call graph reader method and set label, graph type depends on value of digraph property
this.label = "Generated "+n+" vertices, "+m+" random "+(!this.digraph?"un":"")+"directed edges ("+Math.round(m/mmax*100)+"%)"+(w?", ave weight = "+Math.round(wsum/m):"");
function random(low,high)
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(high-low+1))+low;
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// begin student code section (NO network functions, only code related to this project)
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// Final M2 code here
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// paste your heap package here
function Heap()
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function heapShow()
} // etc.
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// paste your PQ package here (version with calls to heap methods only)
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// published docs section (ref. assignment page)
// similar to starters 8 and 11
// *NO* JSDOC comments in this section
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function list_vert()
} // etc.