Running graph0_starter11.js

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// CPCS 324 Algorithms & Data Structures 2
// Reference starter - Basic Flow Network Package
// 2019, Dr. Muhammad Al-Hashimi

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// a maximum flow implementation based on simple graph object with 
// minimal linked-list edge implementation and fields

var _v = [], _e = [];   // note naming conventions in upload guide

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
function _main()   

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// network object initial requirements: support Edmonds-Karp maximum flow algorithm

function FNetwork()   

	// --------------------
	// student property fields next
	// --------------------
	// student member methods next
	// note following are required method names, you are not required to use all of them
	// but must use the name if you choose to have the method

	// accessor methods: getters
	this.edgeFlow                  // return (get) flow for argument edge i,j
	this.edgeCap                   // return capacity for argument edge i,j
	this.srcVertex                 // return source vertex (or its id, you decide)
	this.sinkVertex                // return sink vertex (or its id, you decide)
	this.getFlowVal                // return current flow *value* in network
	this.getFlow                   // return current flow as array of {u,v,flow} objects
	this.inFlow                    // return incoming flow for argument vertex
	this.outFlow                   // return outgoing flow for argument vertex
	// accessor methods: setters
	this.setEdgeFlow               // set flow on argument edge (i,j)
	this.setFlow                   // set flow to argument (including 0) for all edges 
	this.initFlow                  // reset flow to 0 for all edges
	this.setLabel                  // set network label (hide Graph code)
	// other possibly useful method names
	this.isSrc                     // true if argument is source vertex of network      
	this.isSink                    // true if argument is sink vertex of network
	this.isEdge                    // true if argument vertices form an edge ALERT belong to Graph() but leave as test to students
	this.isBackwardEdge            // true if argument vertices form a backward edge
	this.readNetwork               // input reader method
	this.printNetwork              // output network including current flow (reference output of final project
	this.edmondsKarp               // implement the Edmonds-Karp max flow algorithm for maximum flow, must return number of paths used to augment flow


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// similar to starter 8
function Vertex(v)


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// similar to starter 8
function Edge(vert_i,weight)


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// similar to starter 8 (REMOVE transitive closure/greedy package stuff)
function Graph()


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions used by methods of FNetwork and ancillary objects

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// begin student code section
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

// flow network package (REMOVE transitive closure/greedy package stuff)

function edmondsKarpImpl()


// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// published docs section (ref. assignment page)
// similar to starter 8 (strip line comments, leave outline)
// no JSDOC comments in this section
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------

function list_vert()

}   // etc.